When you have no control . . go with the flow!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Having such a good time!

Well the last few months have flown by but mostly because I'm keeping so busy! My very special friend has been making the most of her new lungs, she is now happily able to walk up the 2 flights of stairs to my flat so has been round at least 3 times in the last 3 weeks! We have also been able to go out for dinner without any major planning. The highlight has been that we had friends round to our flat on Friday night and her and her boyfriend stayed till 1am, it was just so relaxed and so lovely.
Since last blog I have also sold my car and bought a new one which is quite exciting! I have also decided to do a big 4 week holiday next year. As a drama teacher I want to visit my mecca (Broadway!). So the trip at the mo is planned as New York -7days, Las Vegas -7days, Calgary -7days, ? -7days! Haven't decided on another location! So the money saving begins!